About Me

Canton, Michigan, United States
Recently did my first ever sledding - it was thrilling!!! and best part was although I was scared to death and afraid of loosing the control on snow board at such a speed ; my daughter, Akshata, who was sitting with me on sled...asked me to hold her as she was afraid (tooo)!!!! Now I could not afford to loose the control...can I? And finally I did it!!!! and she was sooooooo happy...she turned back while getting out of sled and said - "You are the Best Dad in this Whole Wide World!!!!!" Thank you god for everything....

Sunday, May 11, 2008


I called everyone
friends and families
everytime and again
now and then
with vigor in voice
its entrepreneur in me speaking!

Its fresh start
Its all I want to do
The new world, new horizons
New thoughts and lessons
A new entrepreneur with vision
Its entrepreneur in me speaking!

There are cold calls
there are faceless emails
there are inquisitors and shapeless ideas
Big heart and empty pocket
A new Entrepreneur with openness
Its me speaking!

There are no moves
There are no return calls
there are no replies to emails
there is deathless silence, eagerness and wait
A new entrepreneur with restless soul
Its me speaking!

There is this new morning of hope
cool breeze with fresh smell
contracts ,deals and people to believe
its a new entrepreneur with dream
A dream to move the world and dent the universe
Its me speaking!

Years passed
The world has not changed
Its just one more company
All cheat, lie and money
Its business after all - ones loss is others profit
Its not me anymore, others are speaking!!!!

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