About Me

Canton, Michigan, United States
Recently did my first ever sledding - it was thrilling!!! and best part was although I was scared to death and afraid of loosing the control on snow board at such a speed ; my daughter, Akshata, who was sitting with me on sled...asked me to hold her as she was afraid (tooo)!!!! Now I could not afford to loose the control...can I? And finally I did it!!!! and she was sooooooo happy...she turned back while getting out of sled and said - "You are the Best Dad in this Whole Wide World!!!!!" Thank you god for everything....

Sunday, May 11, 2008


Never been victim of allergies but after my smokey mountain visit, its everyday. Dealing with allergies takes a hell lot than one can imagine. Their presence is everywhere - on skin and in your mind. And then medication makes it worst. Drowsy and conscious are the constant feelings you will carry throughout days, throughout weeks and months. Funny topic to talk about or write about on blog but its just not possible to go through it for last 6 weeks - still going through and not worth mentioning!!!!
After repeated doctor's visits and specialists (impossible to get appointments for almost 3-4 months!!!), the result is a common conclusion - HIVES!!! And That's where I understood the limitation of medical science.
It seems HIVES if stayed beyond 6 weeks, they are called Chronic Hives and its difficult to know the agent or exact reason for Chronic Hives. It is also impossible to know how to get rid of, what exact medication will work for it and how much time it will take to recover. We are thinking that we are staying in most advanced world and have all the answers - atleast as little as Allergies or atelast thats how I used to think about allergies before, but I now realized how limited understanding medical science still has regarding their own product - Human Body.
Over decades, there was struggle and fights between spiritual world and Medical science. Doctors believed in what they could establish as facts through the science or results through mathematical calculations, while Spiritual leaders always believed that there are "Miracles". There are things beyond and over human understanding. Scientists proved that they could make human fly, travel through universe, artificial reproduction, cloning, early warning systems and many more. And Spiritual leaders established that there is still lot which is unanswered, unknown and unimaginable - life after death, world beyond universe and much more, they explain these miracles in umpteen details.
I don't know the answer and I don't know which way to go. But I think both are believes. Scientists believes that there are no miracles and Spiritual leaders believes that there is world that goes way beyond science. There is huge difference in belief and knowledge. Scientists and Spiritual leaders are struggling to get to the answer and failed to share the knowledge to prove the theory one way or other so far. There is still long way to go but everyday, there are discoveries, there are Samadhis. There is progress and step forward in both direction. I think this is what God has designed...THE DISCOVERY of God - through science and through internal journey...both world will progress and meet where it all began. We all will witness and then there will be end of struggle...a beginning of silent endless NIRVANA...
The real question is - Are YOU ready to explore?

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